403-797-1908 [email protected]

* Although training for belts is a goal most students try to obtain, it is not a requirement

* Belts are EARNED at our school, not given. Students obtain a feeling of true accomplishment and knowledge

* Students are never compared to others as we are all unique with our own levels of skill and ability

“Are my kids ready?”, “What do they test for?”, “When do they test?”

Lil Tigers

  1.   Students have the ability to test 6 times in a year.
  2.   All Lil Tiger students will be posted on each and every test.
  3.   Parents are responsible for either registering their child for each test they want to participate in, or letting us know they will not be attending.
  4.   Testing is not mandatory.
  5.   What they learn in class is what they test for. There is nothing to prepare for unless they want to practice their stuff at home (such as PK’s).
  6.   If students cannot attend, they will be moved to the next test date.
  7.   Purpose of the test? This teaches the kids about preparing, listening, trying their best, and working towards a goal which provides them with a        feeling of self-worth and satisfaction when they obtain a new stripe.
  8.   A student does not need to obtain the black stripe in order to move up to the next class (JR’s). This is done according to age, maturity, and skill level.
  9.   Students can earn anywhere from one to three stripes per test. It all depends on how well they score. (1 stripe – average.  2 stripes – VG.  3 stripes – exceptional). Regardless of the number of stripes a student earns, they should be proud of what they have accomplished.
  10. Test fees are $50 + gst per student
  11. All tests are scheduled on a Thursday. The start time of the test is determined 1 week prior to, but usually is anywhere between 5-5:30 pm.  


Juniors – Youths – Adult/Teens

  1.   How often they test depends on how often they come in, and how well they learn and retain their skills.
  2.   Here’s the big one. IF WE SAY THEY ARE READY TO TEST, THEY TEST. Will a student feel they are unprepared, not ready, and completely nervous? It wouldn’t be normal if they didn’t but this should in no way stop them from proceeding. We do not want to waste anyone’s money, or our time by testing a student if they are not indeed good to go. The student themselves are not qualified in determining whether or not they are ready. If that was the case, it would probably never happen or it WOULD happen when it shouldn’t.
  3.   Students that constantly put themselves on hold after we have told them they are ready, take away time from others that are trying to prepare for their test. This is due to the fact that we spend a lot of one-on-one time with a student to pre-test them, and to work on any skills that they are weak in.
  4.   One Time A Week Students: This is tough. Students that only come once a week are more challenged in having enough time to learn new skills, practice, and then prepare for an upcoming test. These students should accept the fact that it may take them a bit longer in order to be ready. HOWEVER, don’t get discouraged! We do have students that manage quite fine and test often. It depends on the student and how much they practice at home, how hard they work in class, their effort, and how well they remember everything. We have ‘cheat sheets’ to help aide these students so they have the information at home, and a private FB group that has most of the skills posted. A student is more than welcome to call or email us anytime with questions or problems they may have.
  5.   Here’s another VIP pointJust because their name is on the roster does not mean they will test! This only indicates that they should be getting ready because it’s ‘their time’. We will verbally tell the student and their parents (and/or email) when they are good to go. We keep students/parents up to date on their progress and whether or not they will make the date.


We do not bring in ‘outsiders’ (eg: from an association, etc) to help test students simply because, well, they are outsiders. Due to the fact that we work so personally with students, only we know what they can and cannot do. We know their personalities, their limits, their abilities. It’s not just about the skills, it’s about the whole personWe know what they have done during class so when during the test they get so nervous that they freeze up, we are able to sit back and think “Well wait a minute. I know this person knows how to do this skill because I’ve seen him/her do it countless times during class,” and we take that into account.  Or perhaps it was a new skill that they just learned, and we know that it will take time to get better at it. We are not looking for perfection. It doesn’t exist. We are looking for desire, effort, attitude, and improvement each time the student tests.

 TEST DATES – 2024/25 Year

* Emails will be sent out to families with test details each month (eg: student progress reports, who will be testing, fees, time)

Sept 2024 Feb 2025
Lil Tigers No Tests Lil Tigers No Tests
AD/TN-Yth-JRs No Tests AD/TN-Yth-JRs Friday, Feb 28th
Oct 2024 March 2025
Lil Tigers Thursday, Oct 24th Lil Tigers Thursday, March 27th
AD/TN-Yth-JRs Friday, Oct 25th AD/TN-Yth-JRs Friday, March 28th
Nov 2024 April 2025
Lil Tigers Thursday, Nov 21st Lil Tigers No Tests
AD/TN-Yth-JRs Friday, Nov 22nd AD/TN-Yth-JRs Friday, April 25th
Dec 2024 May 2025
Lil Tigers No Tests Lil Tigers Thursday, May 29th
AD/TN-Yth-JRs Friday, Dec 13th AD/TN-Yth-JRs Friday, May 30th
Jan 2025 June 2025
Lil Tigers Thursday, Jan 30th Lil Tigers Thursday, June 26th
AD/TN-Yth-JRs Friday, Jan 31st AD/TN-Yth-JRs Friday, June 27th